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The Mom Job

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Voici Bonnie

Photographe, éducatrice, accompagnatrice aux naissances, fondatrice de The Mom Job et maman 2 + 1 

Toujours inspiré à participer aux changements qu'elle cherche tant à voir se manifester dans sa communauté, Bonnie est motivée à redorer la job de Maman. Elle même ayant donné la vie à 2 merveilleux êtres assisté par des sages-femmes à l'hôpital et à la maison, elle entreprends maintenant le défi de taille, qu'est de capturer, guider, et encourager le rôle que porte les femmes en donnant naissance et en devenant mamans !

Que ça soit par la photo, ou dans l'accompagnement de celles-ci, Bonnie est là pour vous soutenir vers de nouveaux horizons!

Blog :   (à venir - available soon...)

Lets talk:

Either being considered an official blog, or just a platform to open the discussion, I'd like to propose a few subjects to introduce the sharing of ideas, concepts, problems and solutions. Bit more importantly, please offer yourself some time to answer, to share your own opinions, and add to the conversation, your own reflections! It is only together, that we will change the current, that our society offers through social and physical isolation, each on our own individual paths, in motherhood and parenthood... Therefore, it might be our virtual collaboration that will finally propose alternatives to the village, that we all so need, when we try to raise our children, the next generations...


Take a stand for your pregnancy and choose an empowering birth! Maybe its just one meeting that you need, or again, you just need more time to get ready! This first meet...
Inspiration Meetup

Avec des expériences complémentaires - With a diverse background !


Témoignages  -  Testimonials


“I'm a testimonial. Click to edit me and add text that says something nice about you and your services.”

Diana Waldman

Founder at


“ Bonnie est toujours disponible pour répondre à mes questions, écouter mes inquiétudes, et me diriger vers des ressources afin de me guider dans mon parcours vers un deuxième accouchement réussi. ”

Renée Théorêt

Mom of 2 and Aunt of 3


“I'm a testimonial. Click to edit me and add text that says something nice about you and your services.”

Rachel Rose

Marketing Specialist


We need your input

Becoming a mother, didn't turn out to be exactly what you had expected? Baby is adorable, but you sometimes feel lonely and you'd like to flourish wihtout necessarily participating in the current organized groups and activities available?

Your kids are big now! Maybe you've been there, and have survived it the best you could... But you still could help other mothers who are going through it now, more easily, as to facilitate the evolution process?!

Your fears, worries, challenges, AND your ideas, alternatives and methods for better outcomes are needed! Come share with us, so that we can build the village of tomorrow. Sustaining and supporting new families, could only help in assuring that everyone can become, in their own personnal way, active members of our communities.

The Organization:

Collectively, we can do it!


Discutons - Let’s Engage

Telephone : 613.676.4295                       Email :  

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